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Thursday, February 22, 2018

UPDATE to SpeedConnect

PHOTO from a Sioux Falls area customer who has been abandoned by SC as one of their towers went down and they won't re-direct his antenna to another tower:

Basically it says the same thing I posted from the wesite about Office Closing Feb 16 2018.

Still Looking into this:  

WEBSITE:  They removed the "Offices Closed Feb 16" notice on their website
but Satellite Only shows for Services available and still send payment to Chicago. 

PHONE:  Calling the Support number as of 2 pm today, Feb 20, gets an different voice (male only) and then choosing Customer Support, there are 17-20 calls ahead and at least a 20 minute wait.

OUR SD PUC, Chris Nelson is checking into this.

Hopefully some of you will post comments about what's happening with your SpeedConnect. One neighboring customer has had problems but no response from Support.  So, are they leaving existing customers with existing service, but not able to fix problems anymore?

See 2 comments below--here is a partial outtake:

Wispa LaywerNow public, there is a license assignment application on file with the FCC in which SpeedConnect is proposing to assign to Sprint a large number of BRS licenses. Likely leases as well, though those are handled differently. That might help explain what you are seeing in the market.


If this goes through. The LTE equipment running under one of these lic. Will have to be turned off.  [This includes all the fixed wireless and Wimax SC provides in our area]


  1. From Wispa LaywerNow public, there is a license assignment application on file with the FCC in which SpeedConnect is proposing to assign to Sprint a large number of BRS licenses. Likely leases as well, though those are handled differently. That might help explain what you are seeing in the market.

    Stephen E. Coran
    Lerman Senter PLLC |2001 L Street, NW, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20036
    202-416-6744 (o) | 202-669-3288 (m) | |@stevecoran – twitter

    If this goes through. The LTE equipment running under one of these lic. Will have to be turned off.

  2. Thanks for the information and we hope to look on the FCC website for more information to allow others to see what's going on!
