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Friday, September 1, 2017

Century Link's New Plan till 2/15/2018---IF you have access--Read the Fine Print

Do you care what speeds you get?

Do you care what speeds you get? I have realized by talking to other customers, some don't even know the speed. They just want to check email and browse the web, for which the lower speeds of 2 mbs that SV provided for $40/month would work.

What do you use the internet for? Just posting to Social media sites or?

The advantage of having the 2 tiers is that you can get what you want and pay accordingly.

Now, with SpeedConnect, whether you want it or not, you will get the packages they advertise all say "Up to 15 mbs" which is not possible in most of South Dakota. They said they would update those of us on Line of Sign to Wimax, but that's possible only if you live within 10 miles of the Wimax tower, which they haven't been able to work on because of all the problems with the existing set up. [After almost 2 years of their service, they have yet to implement Wimax, I believe]

But if you think you are getting up to 15 mbs and only get 2 mbs, that just doesn't cut it. If you went to the store to buy a gallon of milk, would you be happy with a gallon only half full? Of course not!

That's Net Neutrality--everyone gets the same speeds (theoretically) and yet the providers just are not equipped for that--let's see--how many SC outages have we had? It seems almost daily.