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Monday, April 23, 2018

SOMETHING More Alarming and Critical than having slow Internet is having NO INTERNET--EMP in our FUTURE

Here's a very professional interview from Fox News with Peter Pry about the Threat of an EMP -- not just from an enemy (and we have plenty of them) cyberattack in the atmosphere which we would HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO WARNING OF WHEN IT HAPPENS--except the immediate and long-term effects which could disable or kill 90% of our population, not directly but by the effect on infrastructure, communication (internet), transportation.  

I have heard from my geek sons that it could be quite isolated and not widespread, but listen to this interview to see how an EMP could be MADE more widespread. It talks of a combination of attacks that could disable that 90% very easily.

EMP doesn't just come from man but also from the SUN!

See this Youtube replay of the interview Sunday night:

  • Time to take stock of what's important to you to preserve, stock up and protect. 
  • Your cars have computers--do you know anyone with an old klunker that does NOT use a computer--Be friends of them real quick.
  • Do you know a Ham Operator as how else will you communicate--what do cell towers use? Or where do Landlines get their feeds?
  • Your internet provider or source?
  • Your water supply? Your waste system?
  • Your heat supply?
  • You can't depend on your survivalist neighbor as you may not be able to get to him and be sure he will have defense (guns) ready if he thinks you DON'T have the same set up he does.
  • What about your family who lives in the city and you are in a rural area?



We understand SpeedConnect has some new comments on the FCC website to this effect:

"SpeedConnect will continue to provide high speed internet service to  its subscribers after  the sale of its 2.5  GHz  spectrum to Clearwire Spectrum Holdings III LLC through Viasat, Inc., a  satellite provider of which SpeedConnect is a registered dealer. Once the parties have determined  a closing date, SpeedConnect will contact its customers  with first notice by mail at least thirty  days prior to the switch over, followed up by contact
 through telephone and electronic mail to  best reach each customer.  

 SpeedConnect will offer the Viasat service as an alternative to its  current service at the best possible rate.

 Thereafter, SpeedConnect’s customers will have the option of continuing their relationship with SpeedConnect or
 may transition  to other providers in  their respective markets  for their internet services

This means that the FCC has approved sale of SC's 2.5 Spectrum to Clearwire for use of Sprint's cell system, NOT FIXED WIRELESS--that will be GONE!  

Customer's ONLY choice will then be Satellite unless a new Provider pops up.  We have at least one neighbor close by who seems to have already made that transition and hope to catch him and see how it's working. If the prices on this site are the best we can do, good luck!