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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Rural Internet Options

UPDATING to REMOVE SPEEDCONNECT until we get more details... (From Nov 2017 Post)

Adding to this post:
WIRELESS FIBER-NET (or a variation thereof): INTERLAKES WIRELESS of Madison which highest speeds are reflected in the SpeedTest photo attached to this page, but normally 30-40 mbs Download and 15 mbs upload. Very reliable, strong signal that beats anything around, including the cell 4G LTE!

I think we could even use it for Internet Phone service.

I can finally sit down browse (and many other things) at speeds that let me do other things than sitting and waiting for downloads and upload backups. I can stream 4K and get rid of DISH!

I can view online webinars, use Skype, remote to help others with their computer or programs and am still discovering cool stuff to use these speeds for.

I see now that if anyone wanted to start a Home Business here in the rural areas, they can finally do it with this speed and reliability.
August 2, 2016

ALTERNATIVE INTERNET OPTIONS. There are not a lot in rural South Dakota or any rural areas--it seems all the providers concentrate on the urban areas where there is already a choice of providers and so with more choices and competition, their prices are lower, but RURAL areas--we haven't much choice. Here's what I have found in the area we live:

WIRELESS Line of Sight--SpeedConnect and that's it. Vast came in about a year ago but it is only available to customers WITHIN Colman. Moody County Internet (RDC) has limited speeds and coverage Max 3.5 download for residential.

WIMAX -- Slightly higher speeds than Line of Sight Wireless, but again only available with about 10 miles from a tower, which one is in Brookings. Coming to SpeedConnect in Colman? Good question!

MOBILE (T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T) this is the same internet you get on your smart phones, but you can get Mobile Hotspots that can be placed anywhere in your house and service up to 10 devices. Most are 4G LTE. We have tried AT&T--good signal, reliable, coverage area--HotSpot is portable--you can take it on the road. Pricey at $60 for 10 gB usage, but speeds are 4G 10-12 mBs Download, BUT you can't afford to stream video at those prices. Verizon has similar plan, 

 BEST CHOICE is T MOBILE--if you are in a coverage area, 6 Gb is $25/month and you can stash (from unused data) up to 20 gB for a year. If you just need a backup you can get 2 gB for $10/month. With the 6 gB plan you get UNLIMITED MUSIC Streaming and Binge On which is UNLIMITED VIDEO STREAMING with certain networks such as YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, MLB, etc BUT it is not HD--it is 480p and ONLY ON TABLETS, PC BROWSERS, and SMARTPHONES. But you can use those to "Mirror cast" to a ROKU which then projects onto your Large Screen TV.

If you know how much data you use to browse the web, check email, social sites, update your antivirus and windows, then you may get by with the 6gB plan, but probably not. But at least you can watch as much of the streaming video at 480p without using your regular data allowance.

FIBERNET--spotty availability--where we live we heard that Century Link was going to run Fiber cable north of Colman, but when? Sometime in next 5 years? Call 866-541-3322 to ask about it--if we all call maybe they will speed up their run of Fiber cable! BEST CHOICE if you have access. Best Speeds, lower prices, but bundling with TV or phone may not be optional.

SATELLITE--Dish, Direct, Hughes, Exede, WildBlue--See these reviews--not great for streaming video, caps on usage, Probably a last resort at best:…/best-satellite-internet-pro…/  Latency prevents use of 4K streaming an VOip phone use.

1 comment:

  1. ALERT--T MObile Hot Spots--you can now get 2 gB per month for only $10--that's 50% of what it was last week, which was $20. So if you take this little hot spot with you and have basic Prepaid Phone with them $3.00 a month, just take the hot spot with you and for $10 you can make additional calls or internet use using Google Phone. So you don't need a Smart Phone with big data packs! I get better coverage with the Hot Spot than with the phone, so switching to the HotSpot lets me use the Internet to make calls, send messages and anything else I want to do online--while traveling or as a back up at home if main Internet goes out (which it never does).

    AND you can also Binge online video services at 480p--ha!
